BHT Chief Registrar

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust ,
Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire


Job DescriptionAn exciting opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic and motivated senior trainee (ST4 or above) with an interest in leadership, management and quality improvement to join Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust as a chief registrar. The chief registrar role provides senior trainees with 40% protected time to develop skills and confidence in leadership, management and quality improvement. Learning that chief registrars gain from the Royal College of Physicians' (RCP's) bespoke development programme will be put into practice in a supported environment that provides autonomy, flexibility and support to develop and support projects that address key local challenges and priorities.

This may include service improvement, engagement and morale, education and training, workforce, and sustainability. The chief registrar role will suit trainees who: * Want to learn about leadership and gain senior leadership experience * Are comfortable working in uncertain environments and across traditional boundaries * Relish the opportunity to develop their own ideas and initiatives * Are committed to and passionate about improving the NHS. The chief registrar will be mentored by a senior clinical leader within the organisation and gain a unique insight into NHS leadership and management processes, as well as deeper knowledge of NHS structures and stakeholders.

The chief registrar will be expected to attend modules delivered as part of the RCP's bespoke development programme, which will cover, for example, change management, team culture and development, quality improvement, leadership, influencing and personal resilience. Applications are open to senior trainees: * At ST4 level or above * Working full time or less-than-full-time * Who have a national training number * Who have full GMC registration. This is a fixed-term role for minimum of 12 months.

The role can be undertaken in programme or out of programme (training or experience) depending on individual requirements. In the first instance, applications must be discussed with your educational supervisor and training programme director (TPD), and permission to apply must be granted by the TPD. For further details / informal visits contact: For a discussion about the chief registrar post, please contact Dr Tina O'Hara, consultant in acute medicine,, Tel: 01296 315490 Employment Type: FULL_TIME.