Finance Director

Michael Sharma ,
Birmingham, West Midlands


Job Description

You sit in your chair after a long day in the office. Meeting after meeting after meeting...Everyone talks about why the performance of the company isn't quite where it needs to be, you're peers are sat here alongside you just nodding and agreeing. You've mentioned a couple of times why you think it's not quite working but, again you've been labelled as being too negative. Instead, everyone around you agrees with whoever is running this meeting, so it looks like it's more of the same. Now reflecting on what you thought being a Finance Director would mean. You thought you would be involved in making the strategic decisions, you're not, you're just witnessing them happen from a little closer than before. You thought that you would be influencing the direction of the business, you're not, you're watching the other 12 FD's nodding and agreeing with a plan you know is incorrect. In fact you've made your opinion quite clear but you know, you were negative!! You're now a shadow of the great FD you thought you were destined to be. What you're experiencing is a poor choice of employer. Working for the right business means you are working alongside the owners. Owners that recognise the need for a commercially focused Finance Director who has the ability to take them from good, to GREAT!! The capacity to lead a team, motivate them to speak up and challenge the status quo. With that comes an unrelenting pace to continue an astonishing growth story. A story that has allowed this business to become supplier, seller and buyer. The perfect three pronged business weapon. An SME...yes, a force to be reckoned with in industry...ABSOLUTELY!! You'll have control of your processes, autonomy on your team and more importantly a point to prove to yourself. Now is the time to back yourself, become that FD you were aspiring to be, you know before you got swallowed up by that corporate machine. Whilst the client is flexible on experiences, they would prefer: * CIMA/ACCA/ACA qualified * Experience within the healthcare sector * Strong Excel user Need more information, give Sean a shout on 07738224359 or drop a note to