Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust ,
Lanchester, Durham


Job Description

Do you want to use your experience to help others? Do you want to be part of a team providing evidence based psychological therapies in Durham and Darlington? Do you want to help shape the way people with depression and anxiety disorders are supported in their recovery? IF THE ANSWER TO THESE THREE QUESTIONS IS "YES" THEN WE HAVE GREAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU TO WORK WITH US Talking Changes Led by Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Mental Health Matters (MHM) and Sunderland Counselling Service, we deliver the majority of Primary Care Mental Health Services across Durham and Darlington. The post we are recruiting to: Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) You will deliver high quality supervision within the single point of access duty team approximately 2.5 days a week depending on service need, working alongside PWPs who will be carrying out assessment calls for patients accessing the service. You will develop and support and train innovative practice to a team of PWP's, Trainee PWP's and Therapy Support Workers in your geographical locality, as well as in the wider service. You will also provide clinical guidance and supervision to a group of staff as agreed with Senior Therapists. You will hold a postgraduate qualification diploma / Certificate in Low Intensity working or Primary Care Mental Health work, have the ability to offer evidence based practice at a range of Step 2 intervention e.g. c CBT, Telephone Guided Self-Help and Psycho-education group work. PLEASE NOTE - the successful candidate will be employed by any of the three partner organisations. Terms and conditions for these posts are NHS comparable, not identical. We are unable to guarantee that you will be employed by your preferred employer and some of the successful candidates will be employed by MHM, a non NHS organisation. For further details / informal visits contact: Kelly Monkhouse, 0191 3333300. Employment Type: FULL_TIME