Hope for Children Trustee - Treasurer position

Hope for Children ,
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire


Hope for Children is a UK based charity that creates opportunities for overlooked, vulnerable and exploited children living in extreme poverty. Last year HOPE for Children supported over 69,500 children in Africa, Asia and the UK. Our vision is a world where every child has a happy childhood that sets them up for a positive future. The Treasurer delivers a critical role as part of Hope for Children’s Board of Trustees, working closely with the CEO and Finance Manager to monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation and ensuring the financial affairs of the charity are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice. The role requires attendance at: • bi-monthly Board Meetings (alternating between Hemel Hempstead & London) • Annual General Meeting (Hemel Hempstead) • Monthly finance meetings with CEO and Finance Manager (Hemel Hempstead)