Clinical Trial Payment Analyst/ Global Pharma/ Permanent/ Bucks

Docs International UK Limited ,
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Salary: From £30,000 to £34,000 per annum Pension, Private BUPA healthcare, Li


Responsible fo r the mana g eme n t o f the end-t o - e nd investigator/site paym e nt processes and payment ca lc ulations, creation a nd manage m ent o f pu r chase orders,payment a nd clin ic al trial pa y m e nts. Liaise among busi n ess partners and stakeholders within Contracts & Grants an d study teams to assist with co m p l ex issue resolution and/or guida n ce,as need e d. Responsibilities: Management of the end-to-end investigator/site payment processes and payment calculations. Liaise among business partners and s ta k eh o lders within C&G and study teams to assist with is s ue resolution and/or gu i d a nce,as need e d. Analyze stud y-specific Total Contract V alue(TCVC) a nd P O ca l cul a tors util i zing CTMS, CTAs and i nt era cti o ns with Contract Grants As,Trial Managers and CRAs . Create and send pa y me n t notifications to sites. Answer q u er i es,questions and issue re s o lution with s ites and study teams,as needed. Rectify fail e d payments,as appropriate,for purchase requisitions. Create,maintain,and close-out site- s pecific p u r cha s e requisitions i n t h e local systems, utiliz i ng the s tudy-specific P O calculato r ,CTAs and CTMS for a ppl ic able co u ntri e s. Req u est an d gain access t o study-specific EDC system. Run monthly subject visit completion reports and enter data i nto C T M S . Gener a te payments throu g h CTMS, wher e appl i cable and enter i n vo ices into CTMS as received to pro c ess ad-hoc pa y ments. Qualifications and experience required: Associate d e gree/Bachel o r’s degree, o r equival e nt, i n appropriate scientific o r business disciplines. 1-5years’experience and/o r equivale n t competenc i es in pharm a ceutical i ndu s try/clin i cal research. Previous experience with clin i cal pay m ent processing and systems is preferab l e. Excellent communication skills(both oral and written). Ability to wo r k effectively i n cross functional teams. Strong an d p r oven analytical and probl e m resolution skills. Working k nowledge o f PC s ( M S Office suite a t a min i mu m ) . Must d e mo n strate innovative spirit,h a ve strong i n t e r per so nal Skills,and abil i ty to accomplish substantial t a sks with min i mal supervis io n. Flue n cy in English. G oo d written and oral co m mun i cation s kills as appr o priate. Previous experience working in virtual teams. This job was originally posted as