Nurse Practitioner Macular services

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust ,
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire


Job Description

We are looking to appoint a Nurse Practitioner to support the Medical Retina Service in the Ophthalmology Department at Nottingham University Hospitals(NUH). The ophthalmology service at NUH is an expanding service and this is a new post to support the expansion. This is an exciting opportunity for promotion and further development within ophthalmology that will also support further career development for candidate aspiring to progress to more senior clinical roles. You will be working with and alongside medical staff, optometrists, Advance Clinical Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Ophthalmology technicians and Nursing staff to enhance and help deliver an efficient and safe Medical Retina Service to patients. This will involve organising and participating in fluorescein angiography, giving intravitreal injections, reviewing patients in medical retina clinics working to assessment and treatment protocols, and carrying out OCT imaging if necessary. This is a new post and you will need relevant clinical experience, be self-motivated and enthusiastic with an interest in medical retina disease and its management along with ability, with support and training, to help develop and embed the role. As part of a group of nurse practitioners and nurse specialists working across ophthalmology , you will be required to support their nurse practitioners/ specialists colleagues, and to be supported by them in return, when necessary, for example to cover absence , and there will be opportunities to be involved in the other nurse-led services. For further details / informal visits contact: Daniela Kolarova Employment Type: FULL_TIME