Engineer - Front-End

383 ,
Birmingham, West Midlands


Job Description

Description About the team About the team 383's Engineering team is concerned with the design, build and optimisation of digital products and services. This might range from a proof-of-concept demo or a single sprint MVP build to a custom API that powers mobile and web apps, to a fully CMS driven website or internationally distributed cloud based system. Whilst having involvement in the ideation, scoping and design, it is their ultimate responsibility to ensure that products are delivered to match the agreed functionality, spec and finish. About the role Front end development has moved on tremendously in the past few years. The proliferation of JS frameworks has meant that many parts of a modern Web Application have moved to the client browser. The growth of mobile device usage has also meant that performant, responsive design is a given these days and so a 'mobile-first' mindset is imperative. The role of front end developer varies from the creation of simple static HTML pages/email right through to the architecture of complex Single Page Applications (SPAs). Given the breadth of this role, the below duties represent a snapshot of some of the tasks we undertake. This list is constantly evolving and changing to meet the needs of the business and the dev squad. Responsibilities On a day-to-day basis, you will be responsible for: * Creating semantic HTML Markup * Efficient SASS styling/theming to bring designs to life * Creation and evolution of delightful UI/UX experiences * Creating standards compliant HTML Emails * PHP template creation for Wordpress/Laravel * Writing modular, configurable, reusable, DRY Javascript * Integrating JS libs such as Google Maps, Algolia Search, Charts JS and more... * Templating in Underscore/ejs/Handlebars etc. * Breaking UI down into suitably sized and reusable components * Networking with public and private REST APIs * Working with popular web sharing services and meta tags, Twitter/Facebook etc. * Creation of SEO/Microdata markup * Implementing tracking/analysing user behaviour * Creation and maintenance of build systems to help administer the above (Gulp/Grunt/Webpack) * General page perf and weight optimisation, size/load/requests etc. * Estimating and project planning around all of the above * General architecting, modularisation, and continuous improvement of all of the above Requirements Your Experience: * Experience creating responsive, heavily designed web sites and applications from the ground up * Experience in producing delightful, fast and smooth animations and little UX touches * Experience working across the stack, you should be comfortable templating in PHP (Wordpress/Laravel) * Able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the git version control system from time within at least a mid sized team (branching/pull requests etc) * Experience working collaboratively with Strategists and Designers to hone your output to a high standard * You will have previously learnt to balance client expectations against technical requirements (and be able to explain this clearly internally) Your Skills : * Excellent verbal and written communication skills * A keen eye for design and good UI * Ability to plan your own time and also align with other timelines * Able to work independently and also as part of a team * Know how to debug front end code and help others debug theirs * An understanding of the wider business and the disciplines within it Your Behaviour : * Always strive to make the next project the best project you have ever done * Be raring to try new things, even if they don't succeed * Happy to work and play with new people and tech * Have the courage to embrace risk and trust each other We'd love it if you... * Could demonstrate good working knowledge of the React framework and particularly external state management with Redux or similar * Have worked with code quality tools such as ESLint, SCSS Lint or had any experience with Static JS typing (Flow/Typescript) * Had any experience creating native mobile applications, either directly or via tools such as Phonegap/React Native * Can talk about the front end landscape and how this has changed over the last 2-3 years (and continues to change) and what you have done to keep pace * Identify as 'full stack' or at least have a more advanced understanding of OOP and common design patterns Benefits There's loads of great reasons to become a 383er. Alongside our annual 383 weekender, we hold regular company training days, 383 Labs days, share breakfast and wind-down drinks on Fridays, and have unlimited coffee and snacks to keep us going through the working week. There's also flexible working hours, your birthday off [because noone wants to work on their birthday], comprehensive health plan and a monthly benefit budget to spend on whatever you like, such as the gym, Netflix, Spotify or shopping vouchers. Just to let you know... We're thrilled with the applications we receive for our roles, and love taking the time to review them,