NHS Scotland
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh
CG 1851 Permanent Salaried GP
Job Description
Permanent Salaried GP SALARIED GENERAL PRACITIONER (Up to 6 Sessions Available) CG 1851/ We are a friendly, creative, outward-looking team practicing rewarding medicine in South West Edinburgh. Our practice population is mixed and covers some of Edinburgh's most deprived and diverse communities We operate a mixed telephone triage and pre-booked appointment system with 15 minute slots to make the complexity of our patient population more manageable. An hour of admin time is allocated each day. We are a section 2c PMS practice well supported by an enthusiastic team of allied health care professionals including a full time mental health nurse, pharmacists, link worker, lifestyle coach and CHAI advisors for benefits advice. We enjoy robust partnerships with the agencies co-located in the Healthy Living Centre which include the South West Recovery Hub, Wester Hailes Heath Agency, the Herbal Medicine Clinic and Wester Haven Project which supports people with long term conditions and their carers. We understand that much of the ill-health our patients face is driven by social and community issues; we take an active interest in working to ensure Wester Hailes is a healthy place to live well in and adopt a preventative approach where possible. We prioritise staff resilience and try to bolster each other within our close and supportive team. Come and visit us- we would love to meet you. More detailed departmental and specialty information can be found in the job description available via email address / link below. We would like to invite full time and part time applicants. For an informal discussion please contact Ms Eileen McGuire, Primary Care Service Manager Eileen.x.mcguire@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or Ms Lynn Maxwell, Practice Development Manager lynn.maxwell@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk For a job pack detailing the minimum requirements for this post please click on the link below or email medical.personnel@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk. Please quote reference CG 1851 Please note that details of all current medical vacancies for NHS Lothian can be found at www.medicaljobs.scot.nhs.uk