Senior JavaScript Developer

Rebel Recruiters ,
London, Greater London
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: £60,000 per annum


Senior JavaScript Developer (React) Location: Shoreditch, London Salary: £60,000 - 65,000 remote work You didn’t become a dev because you wanted to churn out the same code day in, day out. Well, okay…maybe it’s not that bad. Sometimes they let you change the font. But seriously, you became a dev because you love solving problems. Not necessarily puzzles. Or even riddles. But "problems". Things that make most of us scratch our heads and despair. That’s always been your superpower. You can make things happen using strings of letters, numbers, and symbols that looks like absolute gibberish to most people. They never see that though. They just see the experiences and the platforms that you create. That's where you make their lives easier. You haven't just solved a problem - you've made a difference for the better Unfortunately, even though we’re in 2020, not every tech company (or agency) gets that. Because they don’t get you. Are you ready to work with a group of people that do? They’re a group a group of devs, project managers, and designers who - just like you - got fed up of building the same stuff over and over again, and decided it was time to be who they were born to be. Different, but brilliant. Most importantly, they set out to NEVER be boring. Over the years, they’ve grown into a team of incredibly talented people, and they’ve helped to build platforms for some of the UK’s most exciting startups, events, and teams. It’s safe to say, they’ve really made their mark on the industry, and they’ve done exactly what they set out to do from the very beginning. There’s a problem though…they don’t have you. With any luck, you’re a JavaScript dev. It doesn’t really matter if you’re already a senior dev. They know that not everyone has had the opportunity to step up yet. What matters is that you’re ready to jump in with both feet, and that you actually care about what you do. You’ll learn a lot here, so there’s no need to list off 300 different technologies and a bunch of ridiculous requirements. There are a few important skills though… You’re a JavaScript junkie. Preferably with React. We don’t need a "wizard" or a "ninja", but you’ll need to be able to show that you know your stuff when it comes to building clean and robust web apps Goes without saying, but the likes and CSS, Grid, and postprocessors like SASS and PostCSS is going to be an important part of your role. You should know them. Finally, it’s important to understand that teamwork is a core part of who they are. That means working with designers, other devs, and sometimes even clients - introverts are welcome here, but you need to be able to communicate. How else are you going to share your awesome ideas? As for what’s in it for you, apart from the tech, you’ll work with a team of likeminded (talented) people that are given the freedom to do what needs to be done. Their way. That means no shackles, no silly deadlines, and no pointless meetings that take you away from the important stuff. You’ll never be bored, either. Even when the work’s done and the day’s over, they like to make sure you’ve got a busy social calendar if you want it, and that doesn’t just mean going to the pub on a Friday, either. You’ll see the world, go hang gliding, indoor skiing, and probably even conquer an escape room or five. All of that, along with remote working, flexible hours, and all the kit you need to get the job done the right way, are yours to take. So, what are you waiting for? Send me your CV. Let’s talk. Oh, and yes, they can interview, hire, and get you set up remotely.