Bank Support Worker

Voyage Care Ltd ,
Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Salary: Up to £9.04 per hour


Support Workers £9.04 p/h great benefits Join Voyage Care as a Support Worker for a job that really means something, providing people with the gift of a life well lived. By helping with the everyday challenges of washing, dressing and eating, you'll enable your clients to carry out tasks, chores and hobbies that most people take for granted but will be really meaningful for your client. You'll be out and about, enjoying life together and no single day will be the same. We can offer full-time, part-time or even bank hours to suit your lifestyle. Your Experience : No experience or qualifications are necessary as full training will be provided. It would be great if you've previously worked as a Support Worker or Care Worker, but we welcome candidates from all backgrounds. Lots of our current Support Workers have previously worked as a cleaner, in retail, as a receptionist and a wide variety of other roles. Your enthusiasm and passion to really care for our clients is what we're looking for. Typical Shift Patterns : Morning's 7.30 - 2.30, Afternoons 2.30 - 9.30. You may have to do some night or weekend work, but the rewards are far greater than you'll find in a typical 9 - 5 job. Benefits: We invest in a wide range of benefits to reward our Support Workers for the brilliant job they do. We offer a pension scheme; retail discount package with some great offers, including holiday discounts to gym membership and Cycle to Work; our employee assistance programme offers independent advice and support 24 hours a day. About Voyage Care : We are passionate about caring for our people. You'll be working with a company that is renowned for treating people properly and providing a training, development, compliance and support structure that simply can't be found anywhere else. We are committed to delivering quality care and that's why our care homes have a quality score of 96%, practically unheard of in our industry. As part of a passionate, close-knit team there will always be someone on hand to help you out. To be part of our Voyage Care family, please click to apply via email or give us a call on 01543 484696 We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the people we support. All successful candidates will be subject to an Enhanced DBS/PVG check and Regulated Activity which will include a check against the Barred adult list. Some of our roles require male or female employees only, where this is indicated it is a genuine occupational requirement, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 This job was originally posted as