Crisis - Chair

Exec Appointments ,
London, Greater London


Crisis Chair Crisis was founded in 1967. We never intended to exist for this long. We didn’t expect to be here, facing a similar crisis, for more than 50 years. We certainly don’t intend to be needed in 50 years’ time. At Crisis, we believe that homelessness should not exist in 21st Century Great Britain. Tackling this injustice is what motivates our people. It is not inevitable, and policy choices can be made to end homelessness for good. Ending homelessness is what underpins our five year strategy . It is why a carefully researched plan Everybody In: How to End Homelessness in Great Britain was written. This sets out for the governments of the UK, Scotland and Wales what needs to be done if they are committed to ending homelessness. We recognise that homelessness will not be resolved in the lifetime of this strategy but the plan demonstrates our clear ambition; to eradicate homelessness in all its forms. We are now seeking a Chair who will complement and strengthen our existing skill-set and experience at Board level. It is essential that our new Chair is passionate about ending homelessness and will challenge our thinking to drive the organisation forward. Our impact will ultimately mean we are no longer needed as a charity, and will lead to our ambition to make homelessness a thing of the past. We seek a Chair who is committed to strengthening the diversity of both the Board and the organisation overall to ensure we better reflect the people we work with and to ensure we deliver the most appropriate and effective services. The new Chair will need to bring senior leadership experience in a significant national organisation, ideally having worked in a ‘challenger’ or pioneering organisation, or with experience of leading significant change and innovation. An understanding of charity governance and working with or as part of a Board of Trustees is needed, with experience of chairing meetings and events highly desirable. If you would like to find out more about this exciting opportunity, please visit Closing date for applications: 09:00 Thursday 2 April