3D Artist for High-Growth Startup - relocate to Falmouth

Quarsh ,
Falmouth, Cornwall
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: £16,000 per annum


If we gave you a year of funding , could you build the next great games studio? What if we added in a team of designers, artists, programmers and business developers? OK, how about if we wrapped it all up with a Masters in Entrepreneurship, taught by a wide team of marketers, investors and entrepreneurs, assembled specifically to incubate new high-growth games studios? We are a new kind of games incubator. Over the past two years, we have brought together over 100 people to build high-growth tech start-ups and games studios. Our first few companies, completing their two-year programme in May this year, have raised substantial investment had over a million users, and we have a game shortly premiering on Google’s new streaming games service, Stadia. The programme is continuing to build, and the next cohort starts at the end of September this year. Oh, and don’t forget Hertzian; in 2014 we piloted the programme and created what was recognised by the government last year as one of the top 5 trailblazing AI companies in the UK. We are looking for games designers, programmers and artists, with the ambition of owning and running a games start-up in a beautiful part of the UK. Spend a full year building your own product, in a team of 4, alongside 30 other companies and teams, supported by experienced mentors. Receive a full year of financial runway for your new business; we even include a £16k stipend to cover your basic living costs. Gain a no-fee Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from Falmouth University. Work with leading industry partners, like Amazon, BBC StudiosandGreenman Gaming. Live in amazing and inspiring surroundings in Cornwall. Work in a beautiful purpose-built incubator with views of the sea (just). A full year of acceleration support, including workspace, after the first year of incubation. What do we expect? You need the practical skills to be able to contribute to a team building a games based product; be that designer, animator, artist, producer or programmer. What don’t we expect? We don’t expect you to arrive with a business idea. We will train you, and partner you with people to focus on the non-technical parts of the business. We just need your aptitude, your skills and your ambition. Launchpad is an innovative postgraduate incubation and acceleration the programme, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Job Type: Full-time Application questions you have requested that Indeed ask candidates the following questions: How many years of Games studio experience do you have? What is the highest level of education you have completed?