Engagement Officer - LIFE Celtic Rainforest Project

Snowdonia National Park ,
Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd
Salary: £22,021 per annum


Engagement Officer - LIFE Celtic Rainforest Project National Park Office, Penrhyndeudraeth About Us Snowdonia National Park Authority protects the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of Snowdonia National Park. Covering 823 miles of diverse landscape, the Park is home to over 26,000 people, the highest mountain in England and Wales and the largest natural lake in Wales. We’re working with a number of organisations to deliver the LIFE Celtic Rainforest project, a seven year programme with a budget of £7.5 million. This project aims to restore five Special Areas of Conservation, including the Atlantic Oakwoods of Wales. We’re now looking for a part-time, bilingual Engagement Officer to join us, working 22.5 hours per week from April 2020 to March 2023. After this period, there will be the option to continue supporting the project until July 2025, working reduced hours of 18.5 hours per week. The Benefits - Salary of £22,021 - £23,836 pro rata - Support an exciting project that aims to save Welsh native species and endangered habitats The Role As an Engagement Officer, you’ll deliver a range of initiatives to communicate the messages of the LIFE Celtic Rainforest project, raising awareness of the scheme and encouraging people to get involved. About You To join us as an Engagement Officer, you will need: - The ability to produce creative, factual, lively and exciting written and digital material in both Welsh and English, including the ability to adapt your style to meet the needs of the audience - The ability to translate creative copy correctly from Welsh to English and from English to Welsh without losing the tone or focus of the piece - Communications experience, including the ability to meet the needs of audiences with protected characteristics - An understanding of National Parks, environmental and heritage issues and countryside management - A degree (or experience) in communications or a related discipline - A valid driving licence This is a part-time role, working 22.5 hours per week until March 2023, with the option to work 18.5 hours per week from April 2023 to July 2025. So, if you want to support the success of a vital conservation project as an Engagement Officer, please apply via the button shown. This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The services advertised by Webrecruit are those of an Employment Agency. Swyddog Ymgysylltu - Prosiect Coedwig Glaw Geltaidd LIFE Swyddfa'r Parc Cenedlaethol, Penrhyndeudraeth Amdanom ni Mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri yn amddiffyn harddwch naturiol, bywyd gwyllt a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri. Gan gwmpasu 823 milltir o dirwedd amrywiol, mae'r Parc yn gartref i dros 26,000 o bobl, y mynydd uchaf yng Nghymru a Lloegr a'r llyn naturiol mwyaf yng Nghymru. Rydym yn gweithio gyda nifer o sefydliadau i gyflawni prosiect Coedwig Glaw Geltaidd LIFE, rhaglen saith mlynedd gyda chyllideb o £ 7.5 miliwn. Nod y prosiect hwn yw adfer pum Maes Cadwraeth Arbennig, gan gynnwys Coed Derw Iwerydd Cymru. Rydym nawr yn chwilio am Swyddog Ymgysylltu dwyieithog rhan-amser i ymuno â ni, gan weithio 22.5 awr yr wythnos rhwng Ebrill 2020 a Mawrth 2023. Ar ôl y cyfnod hwn, bydd yr opsiwn i barhau i gefnogi'r prosiect tan fis Gorffennaf 2025, gan ostwng yr oriau gwaith i 18.5 awr yr wythnos. Y Buddion - Cyflog o £ 22,021 - £ 23,836 pro rata - Cefnogi prosiect cyffrous sy'n anelu at achub rhywogaethau brodorol Cymru a chynefinoedd sydd mewn perygl Y Rôl Fel Swyddog Ymgysylltu, byddwch yn cyflwyno ystod o fentrau i gyfleu negeseuon prosiect Coedwig Glaw Geltaidd LIFE, gan godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r cynllun ac annog pobl i gymryd rhan. Amdanoch chi I ymuno â ni fel Swyddog Ymgysylltu, bydd angen i chi fod â: - Y gallu i gynhyrchu deunydd ysgrifenedig a digidol creadigol, ffeithiol, bywiog a chyffrous yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, gan gynnwys y gallu i addasu'ch steil i ddiwallu anghenion y gynulleidfa - Y gallu i gyfieithu copi creadigol yn gywir o'r Gymraeg i'r Saesneg ac o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg heb golli naws na ffocws y darn - Profiad cyfathrebu, gan gynnwys y gallu i ddiwallu anghenion cynulleidfaoedd sydd â nodweddion gwarchodedig - Dealltwriaeth o Barciau Cenedlaethol, materion amgylcheddol a threftadaeth a rheoli cefn gwlad - Gradd (neu brofiad) mewn cyfathrebu neu ddisgyblaeth gysylltiedig - Trwydded yrru ddilys Rôl ran-amser yw hon, yn gweithio 22.5 awr yr wythnos tan fis Mawrth 2023, gyda'r opsiwn i weithio 18.5 awr yr wythnos rhwng Ebrill 2023 a Gorffennaf 2025. Felly, os ydych chi am gefnogi llwyddiant prosiect cadwraeth hanfodol fel Swyddog Ymgysylltu, gwnewch gais trwy'r botwm a ddangosir. Mae'r swydd wag hon yn cael ei hysbysebu gan Webrecruit. Y gwasanaethau a hysbysebir gan Webrecruit yw gwasanaethau Asiantaeth Gyflogaeth.