Skills Development and Apprenticeship Manager

Joseph Gallagher Limited ,
Orsett, Essex
Job Type: Full-time


We are currently looking for someone to Build and Establish Apprenticeship Programmes across Joseph Gallagher Ltd. You would monitor and develop the schemes and work with apprentices and their site leadership to ensure highest possible levels of retention and course completion. In addition to lead on STEM and Schools engagement activity on behalf of the organisation. In conjunction with new business, HR and the project leadership teams, forecast the numbers and types of apprentices and apprenticeship schemes required to meet the skill requirements of the business and deliver on our commitments to our clients. Identify potential providers and work with them to define right scope and content of new apprenticeship schemes for implementation. Work with the internal resourcing team as well as providers to ensure right selection methods are identified to acquire the best fit candidates. Ensure all apprentices are properly onboarded into the business, provided with mentors on site and that those mentors/supervisors are appropriately skilled or upskilled to manage their apprentice effectively. Monitor individual apprentices progress, including attendance, progress at college and on site to ensure success at end point assessment. Design and run induction sessions, team building activities etc for apprenticeship cohorts Be a champion of apprentices in the business, highlighting key achievements and opportunities to promote activity both within the business and externally, including the production business cases for inclusion in tenders. Manage relationships with training providers including regular review of the quality of the training provided. Work with providers to continuously improve the scheme content and operation to ensure it meets the business needs. Regularly engage with industry groups, colleges and training providers to understand what new apprenticeships are becoming available as well as the innovative ways of delivering which may benefit the business. Regularly engage with the Head of HR and from time to time our client’s Legacy team contacts to discuss progress against section 106 obligations. Attend careers days and apprenticeship fairs, providing a face of the business. Co-ordinate and attend STEM and schools engagement sessions and events. Co-ordinate and attend assessment days for non-apprentice entry point staff, such as graduate placements and social enterprise groups, such as those working with ex-offenders. Managing training centre statuses and the development of in-house technical qualifications and courses