Driver Trainer

E-zec Medical Transport Services Ltd ,
Gloucester, Gloucestershire


Job Description

Must be ADI and AET qualified. Our Company: "Family ethos and values are very much at the heart of our business. This is embodied in our core values which translate into providing a caring, responsive, innovative service to our patients and NHS Trust partners". E-zec Medical Transport service is a family run Company focussed on delivering high quality, safe, effective ambulance transportation for patients to and from a healthcare setting. Founded in 1998 E-zec is the largest independent ambulance provider that operates solely and exclusively in the patient transport sector. E-zec currently employs more than 1400 employees and operate a fleet of 550 vehicles. E-zec hold 15 NHS NEPTS contracts across the UK. Role Summaries As the Driver Trainer, you will deliver driver's education and training, including pre-employment assessments to the standard of EU regulations in all respective areas that E-zec Medical expect for effective delivery of a patient led service, the role will include some work activity outside of normal working hours. The role will also include supporting the delivery of all types of driver training and assessment within the education and training field, from new employee inductions, pre-employment tests, return to work, Road Traffic Collision (RTC) investigations and driver updates. You will ensure that staff are equipped with the knowledge, practical skills and motivation to carry out driver-related tasks. The Driver Trainer will ensure the ongoing, long-term improvement of employees' driving skills, enabling them to fulfil their potential within E-zec Medical. The Driver Trainer must have full knowledge and understanding of: * The Highway Code, road safety and vehicle rules * Ambulance driving law including exemptions and non-exemptions * Legal obligations of ambulance drivers * Knowledge and understanding of traffic signs * Road and driving safety * Ambulance vehicle daily inspection (VDI) - vehicle is safe to drive * Speed limits for ambulance vehicle. * Driving eyesight rules * Using a phone or a sat nav when driving * The drink drive limit * Drug use and driving * Seat belts: the law * Child car seats: the law and ambulance service use. * Rules for different vehicles * Legal obligations of drivers * Vehicle fault reporting procedure Principal responsibilities and Accountability: * Identifying driver training and development needs within E-zec through job analysis, appraisal schemes and regular consultation with contract managers and human resources departments; * Assisting the Training Manager in designing and expanding driver training and development programmers based on the needs of E-zec and the individual; * Working within the Training Team to produce programs that are satisfactory to all relevant parties in E-zec, such as line managers, and senior managers at board level; * Assisting the Training Manager to monitor developing effective induction programmers'; * Monitoring if appraisals/reviews (Personal Development Review (PDR) are actively being carried out; * Helping to devise individual learning plans for E-zec employees that have had their driver training needs identified. * Assisting the Training Manager in producing training materials for in-house courses; * Managing the delivery of driver training and development programmers' and devising a training strategy within E-zec; * Monitoring and reviewing the progress of probationers driving and have discussions with managers; * Ensuring that statutory training requirements are met; * Keeping up to date with developments in driver training by reading relevant journals, going to meetings and attending relevant courses; * Having an understanding of e-learning techniques, and where relevant, being involved in the creation and/or delivery of e-learning packages; * Ensuring that the training database is updated and produce a training plan using the information acquired. Health & Safety: * Reporting immediately any infectious nature or accident incurred by a Client, colleague, self or another. * Understanding and ensuring the implementation of the E-zec's Health & Safety, Infection Control and hygiene policies, and Emergency & Fire procedures. * Reporting to the Contract Manager any faulty equipment, or any potential hazard. * Promoting safe working practice within E-zec Medical General: * Contributing to the safeguarding of adults and Children by ensuring you are aware of your role in relation to the E-zec's Safeguarding Policy, taking steps to protects clients from any form of abuse or neglect and use the appropriate reporting mechanisms. * Adhering to all new, and changes in NHS and Central Government initiatives as and when they are implemented. * Adhering to all appropriate JRCALC guidelines / regulations and the General Social Care Council Code of Conduct. * Ensuring that all existing training equipment is maintained in a safe and tidy environment. * Ensuring that all information of a confidential nature gained in the course of wor