Work Experience - North East Region

BAM Careers ,
Maidstone, Kent


Looking for a work placement that will give you an insight to working a BAM Construct UK? Are you currently looking for work experience as part of your educational programme? Do you have previous experience but outside the construction sector? BAM helps individuals gain work experience within the sector by offering up to 2 weeks unpaid work placements at one of our regional offices or sites. Our placements are based in a variety of areas. When you apply, you will be able to select which area of our business you'd like to complete your placement in and your preferred location. During your placement, you'll undertake a structured programme of experience that will help you learn about BAM and the work we do. We will be offering up to 2 weeks unpaid work placements in the following areas: Planning Construction Management Quantity Surveying Design Management Services Engineering Facilities Management Head Office What we're looking for A clear passion for the construction industry Leadership potential Well-developed team working and influencing ability Enthusiasm and self-drive The ability to set high standards within a team dynamic Applications will remain open until all positions have been filled. All work placements are held throughout the year and are subject to availability. Unfortunately, we will not be able to support all requests but aim to accommodate where possible. Please also remember to upload a signed/unsigned copy of the consent form with your application. We are committed to developing a workforce that reflects the diversity of our customer base and the communities in which we operate. By 2020, we will have a visibly inclusive culture attracting the best talent to our diverse business by having an environment which enables everyone to fulfil their full potential. Do you use Instagram? Check out our Early Careers page BAMConstructearlycareers